Audio:QS071701 C-box: HiliteBoxLoc:56,91;127,317;135,91;173,141;169,207;203,324;220,94;236,153;243,177;293,127;322,165;298,166;275,183;276,221;328,238;289,262;387,71;439,104;442,133;393,140;431,162;361,177;392,194;435,192;400,241 LineNum:350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350 GeoBytesUsed:6 A-box or Headline4:N/A A-box or Headline5:N/A A-box or Headline6:N/A Correct:Montgomery*QS071702* Wrong 1:Anniston Wrong 2:Birmingham Wrong 3:Huntsville Wrong 4:Jackson Wrong 5:Mobile Wrong 6:Nashville Wrong 7:Selma Wrong 8:Tuscaloosa GeoByte1:Martin Luther King, Jr., began his civil rights work in Montgomery in 1955 by calling for a boycott of the city's segregated buses. GeoByte2:In 1955 thousands of blacks protested Montgomery's segregated bus system by refusing to use the city's buses. GeoByte3:In the 1950s and 1960s, Montgomery was a major focus of the civil rights movement. GeoByte4:Montgomery was the first capital of the Confederate States of America. GeoByte5:The city is named for General Richard Montgomery, who was killed in the Revolutionary War. GeoByte6:Montgomery is sometimes called the "Cradle of the Confederacy" because the Confederate States of America was organized here in 1861. GeoByte7: GeoByte8: GeoByte9: GeoByte10: PictCasts:[]* Video:#none Palette:N/A StartVideo:#none EndVideo: HiliteBoxStopIndex:15 Glossary Start Glossary End